A slow cooker is a useful device in the kitchen that simplifies the process of cooking without constant human intervention. This technique will especially appeal to supporters of a healthy diet, since the dishes are prepared in their own juice or steamed without the use of fat. Before you purchase an assistant, you should read the information on how to choose a multicooker: 10 best models from well-known manufacturers and other data can be found in this article.

A slow cooker significantly speeds up the cooking process and preserves the beneficial properties of products
Multicooker: what it is used for and how it works
The multicooker is a multifunctional device that is designed to prepare various dishes in automatic mode. The device has a basic set of functions, including stewing, boiling, steaming, baking, cereals, cereals and others. Some models are additionally equipped with the capabilities of other kitchen appliances: frying pans, pressure cookers and convection ovens.
The cooking process can be carried out without constant human control. It is enough to put the ingredients and program the cooking stages by setting the temperature and time. The dish warms up evenly from all sides, thanks to the 3D heating function. The “Delayed start” mode will allow you to cook the dish at the specified time.
The device of multicookers of any type is identical. The device consists of a housing with a lid and an electronic display, in the lower part of which there is a heating element. It can be induction or tubular type. In the first case, a bowl with thickened walls is heated by electromagnetic waves. The second option is represented by a heating element, which gives off heat to round disks, which are located under the tank. In this case, the large disk is a heating element, and the small (internal) one is a temperature sensor, which is responsible for the cooking process. It turns on and off periodically depending on the program.
Meals are prepared in a bowl with a ceramic or Teflon coating. The slow cooker is additionally equipped with a container with holes for steaming dishes, a spatula for mixing, a measuring cup and other accessories.
The process of cooking in a slow cooker is simple. Certain ingredients are put into the bowl, the lid is tightly closed and the necessary program is selected on the display. The device starts to work, independently selecting the temperature regime and the cooking time, depending on the regime. At the end of the process, the heating function automatically turns on, which can be turned off if desired.
Is it worth buying a multicooker: advantages and disadvantages of the device
A smart assistant has a number of advantages. In the process of cooking, it retains all the useful vitamins and minerals, which has a positive effect on the aroma and taste of food. Thanks to the special inner coating of the bowl, you can cook without fat and oil. In the process of cooking in the kitchen, there are practically no smells, thanks to a tightly closed lid.
Note! The slow cooker is an indispensable assistant in the cooking process for children with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetics and dietary nutrition.
The device works in automatic mode, which saves the time of the hostess, who may not control the process. In addition, it is completely safe, since it occurs with little or no human intervention. After cooking, the food will be warm for a long time, thanks to the heat-insulating properties of the outer walls of the bowl.
The dish in the multicooker bowl does not burn. This has a positive effect not only on its quality, but also contributes to the ease of cleaning the container after cooking. The container is universal, which gives a positive answer to the question of whether it is possible to put the bowl from the multicooker into the oven. The main thing is that the temperature should not be higher than 260° C, since the product may be deformed.
The device has small dimensions and weight, so it does not take up much space. It is portable which makes it easy to transport. Modern models of the device are equipped with many modes, which facilitates the process of cooking. By setting the timer, you can postpone the process at any time.
Despite the undeniable advantages, the multicooker has some disadvantages. It is designed to prepare simple meals. It will not be possible to get a ruddy crust in it. It takes 1.5-2 hours more to cook meals than when using a stove. If the bowl fails, it will not be possible to pick up an analogue, you will need to look for the “native” option.
Which multicooker to choose: device types
There are several varieties of multicookers: classic, induction and multicooker-pressure cooker.
The most common type is the classic model, which can boil, fry, steam and bake. Heating is carried out thanks to the work of the heating element, which is located in the lower part of the case. There are models in which the heating element is built into the walls of the device, providing a thermal effect from all sides of the container. Such 3D heating creates the effect of cooking a dish in a cast-iron cauldron, which is ideal for cooking roasts, pilaf, stuffed peppers, cabbage rolls.
Note! Adjustment of the heating temperature of the heater is carried out thanks to the sensors built into the device.
The main disadvantage of the classic multicooker is that the heating element takes a long time to heat up, due to which the cooking process is slower than in a frying pan. However, the dishes at the same time are less high-calorie and have a richer taste.
In induction multicookers, instead of a heating element, an induction coil is built in, which creates an electromagnetic field. Reacting to this field, the ferromagnetic bowl heats up and heats the food. When considering the question of which multicooker to choose – induction or classic, it should be borne in mind that the cooking process in the first type of device is faster. This reduces power consumption. However, the cost of such multicookers is much higher than the classic models.
Note! Induction multicookers can be additionally equipped with a pressure increase option.
Multi-cookers-pressure cookers are classic devices that additionally create increased pressure during operation. This feature contributes to the rapid preparation of dishes that have a richer aroma and taste. In addition, the operation of the device consumes a minimum amount of electricity.

The multicooker-pressure cooker cooks food under pressure, which significantly speeds up the cooking process
When using a pressure cooker, one feature should be taken into account: during the cooking process, do not open the lid to put ingredients or mix food. However, with the bleed valve open, this type of device can be used as a conventional multicooker.
Useful advice! Thinking about which multicooker is the best and most functional, you should pay attention to the classic model with a pressure cooker function, which has more functions than a multicooker-pressure cooker.
How to choose a multicooker for home: expert advice
Before purchasing a device, you should find out by what parameters to choose a multicooker.
The most important element of the multicooker is the bowl. It is selected according to two parameters: volume and material of manufacture. Bowls come in a capacity of 2-12 liters. For single people, a volume of 2-3 liters is sufficient. For families of 2-3 people, models with a 4-5 liter bowl are suitable. More capacious containers are chosen by large families in which they cook often and a lot.
Which multicooker bowl coating is better: Teflon or ceramic? In the first case, the container is easier to wash and food does not burn in it. However, the Teflon coating needs to be handled with care, as it is prone to scratches and microcracks. When choosing which multicooker bowl is better: ceramic or non-stick Teflon, it should be borne in mind that the first option is more durable. The surface is resistant to scratches and chips. However, such a container is easy to break. Ceramic coated bowls are expensive.
It is important not only which coating is best for the multicooker. It is also worth paying attention to the wall thickness, which should be 1.5-3.5 mm. Ferromagnetic bowls are used in induction multicookers, the main disadvantage of which is the tendency to form corrosion. Therefore, the container must be wiped dry and ventilated.
Useful advice! When choosing a specific model, you should clarify whether interchangeable bowls are sold for it and what their cost is.
The next important parameter is the power of the device, which can range from 450 to 1500 watts. The higher it is, the faster the bowl will heat up and, accordingly, the cooking process will take place. However, this increases the power consumption.
Functionality, control and equipment of the device
Considering the question of how to choose a multicooker, which one is better, many buyers pay attention to a large number of programs, which significantly increases the cost of the device. However, it should be borne in mind that many different variations come down to several algorithms, so it is more expedient to choose models with a classic set of options: boiling, stewing, frying, baking, groups, milk porridge, steaming. A very necessary function is the “multi-cook”, in which the temperature and time parameters for your own dish are set with your own hands.
When choosing a model with additional options in the form of “grill”, “yogurt”, “deep-frying”, “bread”, “sterilization”, you should think about how necessary they are and how often they will be used. Since multifunctional models are characterized by high cost.
Multicookers may have additional features that simplify their operation. The delayed start function allows you to delay the start of the cooking process. Thanks to the “keep warm” option, it will be possible to maintain the temperature of the finished dish. A useful function is the “heating off”, which occurs automatically after the end of the cooking process. Some models are equipped with the “warm up” option, acting as a microwave.
Multicookers are equipped with a mechanical or electronic control panel. The first option is extremely rare and is more preferable for the elderly, as it is represented by levers and rotary knobs. The electronic panel can be touch or push-button. There are models with remote control, which is carried out through the phone.
Multicookers are produced in a plastic or metal case. In the first case, the device is easier to care for. They are more mobile and have an affordable price. Multicookers with a metal case are many times more expensive, but this does not affect the performance of the device.
It is worth choosing models with a removable lid and valve that can be washed and dried. It is good if the multicooker is equipped with a container for collecting moisture, where condensate is collected. Reliable installation of the device on a smooth surface is provided by rubber feet.
Choosing a multicooker: which company is better
Today, a large number of manufacturers of household appliances compete with each other for the title of the best. In pursuit of leadership and consumer preference, specialists expand the functionality, change the appearance of models and materials of component parts. Which company is better to buy a multicooker? The most popular manufacturers are Moulinex, Redmond, Polaris, Philips and Tefal.
The French brand Moulinex is part of the largest concern Group SEB. Despite the limited range of multicookers, the equipment is distinguished by high quality components, assembly, reliability, durability and advanced functionality. The company produces premium models. Cooking is carried out at a high level thanks to the presence of three-stage heating, which provides comprehensive heating, creating a fast and high-quality process.
Considering the question of which company to choose a multicooker with a harmonious combination of price and quality, you should pay attention to models from the world brand Philips. The equipment is made of high quality materials on modern equipment using innovative technologies. Models are characterized by standard functionality and stylish design. The multicooker bowl can have a volume of 2.5-8 liters. The container is available with a Teflon or ceramic inner coating. Models are equipped with a sealed lid and a removable valve, which allows the dish to languish or, conversely, to fry.
Tefal multicookers are of high quality, practicality, functionality and durability. The power of devices can be 750-1200 watts. The main difference between the models is the volumetric inner bowl with a Teflon coating with a maximum volume of 8 liters.
Which multicooker is better: Redmond or Polaris
The Russian brand Redmond offers the widest range of multicookers in any price category. The company constantly develops and implements innovative solutions in production, taking into account the needs of the modern user. Among the advantages of Redmond multicookers are versatility, high build quality, and durability. The main disadvantage of technology is overpriced.
Another Russian brand Polaris offers a wide range of multicookers in the middle price segment. Models are distinguished by practicality, functionality, high build quality, ergonomic designs, stylish appearance, ease of use and durability. Consumer reviews also note some of the shortcomings of Polaris technology. Cooking dishes on low-power models takes a long time. Some devices have problems with the touch display.
Considering which multicooker is better, Redmond or Polaris, you should evaluate the distinctive features of manufacturers’ devices. Redmond appliances are equipped with a 3-5 l bowl with a Teflon or ceramic coating. Tanks from Polaris are designed for a volume of 2-6 liters, and can have different coatings in the form of ceramics, stainless steel and non-stick coating.
The power of Polaris multicookers is 600-1150 W, which helps to save energy consumption. At the same time, the Redmond brand offers models with a wider indicator range – 350-1950 watts.
Important! Low power multicookers operate at a lower capacity, which slows down the cooking process.
Both brands offer multicookers with advanced functionality. Models have the following set of functions: milk porridge, soup, pasta, frying, baking, yogurt, baking, stewing, dessert, cereals. The only difference between Redmond multicookers is the presence of the “Bread” option.
The equipment of multicookers also differs from world brands. Polaris equipment includes a measuring cup, two spoons, a steamer container, a yogurt maker and a condensate tray. The Redmond multicooker is equipped with a measuring cup, a spoon, a ladle, a steaming tray, a fryer and a stand.
When deciding which is better to choose a Polaris or Redmond multicooker, you should pay attention to the pricing policy of manufacturers. The first brand offers equipment at an affordable price, which starts from 1900 rubles. Multicookers Redmond have a higher cost. The cheapest model can be purchased from 2500 rubles.
How to choose a multicooker: 10 best models
One of the best premium multicookers is the powerful Cuckoo CMC-HE1055F model from a South Korean manufacturer. The power of the device is 1400 watts. The model is completed with a bowl with handles on 5 l with a five-layer marble covering. The multicooker uses thermal and induction heating.
This is interesting! A unique function of the multicooker is voice prompts during the cooking process.
The model is equipped with 12 modes, including baking, oven, slow cooker, double boiler, yogurt. To prepare your own dish, you can independently set the temperature and time using the “multi-cook” option. Additional features include self-cleaning, delayed start and keep warm. The cost of a multicooker starts from 39.9 thousand rubles.
Multicooker De Longhi FH1396/1 is a multifunctional model that can replace a pot, frying pan, oven, grill and deep fryer. The power of the device is 2400 watts. It is equipped with two heating elements that provide upper and lower heating. A unique feature is the “Air Grill”, which allows you to cook steaks, grilled vegetables and other dishes using the grill.
This model has an advantage and answers the question which multicooker bowl is better. The device is equipped with a 5-liter container with a handle with a non-stick ceramic coating, and is equipped with a built-in spatula that automatically mixes the ingredients. The cost of the model starts from 19 thousand rubles.
When thinking about which Redmond multicooker is better to buy, you should pay attention to the Redmond SkyCooker CBD100S premium model. The power of the device is 1600 watts. The model is equipped with two bowls of 4.5 liters each with a non-stick ceramic coating. The multicooker can work in one of 20 modes. Unique options are “express” and “vacuum”. The device uses 3D heating. You can control the operation of the device from your phone. The cost of the model starts from 17 thousand rubles.
Top best multicookers in the middle price category
Considering the question of which multicooker is the best in the middle price category, you should pay attention to the multifunctional model Redmond SkyCooker M800S with remote control. The power of the device is 900 watts. The device is equipped with a large bowl of 5 liters with a ceramic coating. The slow cooker can work in one of 20 modes, including deep-frying, pasta, dough, yogurt, pasteurization. The “multi-cook” function allows you to independently set the temperature and time. The cost of a multicooker is on average 7.9 thousand rubles.
The Philips HD4731-03 multifunctional multicooker has a stylish design. The power of the device is 980 watts. The 5 l bowl with a ceramic coating is heated with a heating element. Uniform distribution of heat is ensured by 3D heating. The model has 19 automatic programs and a manual “multi-cook” mode. Additional functions are “delayed start” and “heating”. You can buy a multicooker for 7.5 thousand rubles.
A good functional model is the Moulinex MK 706A32 multicooker with artificial intelligence in the form of the “Fuzzy logic” system, which allows you to optimize the parameters of the cooking process. The power of the device is 750 watts. The bowl has a volume of 5 liters and a non-stick ceramic coating. The multicooker is equipped with 9 modes. Thanks to the timer, you can delay the cooking process for 24 hours. The cost of the model is 5.4 thousand rubles.
Considering the question of which Redmond multicooker to choose, the RMC-M90 model deserves attention. The power of the device is 860 watts. The multicooker has 17 automatic programs and the “multcook” option, which allows you to independently set the temperature and time for cooking your own dish. The model is completed with a bowl with the handle on 5 l which has a ceramic covering. The cost of a multicooker is an average of 5.2 thousand rubles.
Which multicooker is better to buy for home: an overview of inexpensive models
One of the best multicookers Redmond RMC-M36 opens the rating. The model is equipped with a capacious 5-liter bowl with a protective Daikin non-stick coating, which prevents food from sticking during cooking, and allows you to cook without fat and oil. The power of the device is 700 watts.
The slow cooker is equipped with 16 programs for cooking broths, side dishes, meat, fish and desserts. The “languishing” mode contributes to cooking at a low temperature for a long period, due to which the finished dish turns out as if baked in a Russian oven. It has a keep warm function, thanks to which the dish will be warm for 12 hours, and a delayed start for 24 hours. The cost of the model starts from 3.5 thousand rubles.
Note! This model is equipped with a unique program for making cottage cheese and cheese.
Thinking about which multicooker to choose for your home, you should pay attention to the multifunctional model Polaris 0578AD with a power of 750 watts. In a plastic case there is a capacious bowl with a volume of 5 liters with a double-sided non-stick coating. The model is equipped with 14 programs, which allows you to cook any dish, including stewed foods, jelly, jams and yogurts. After the process is completed, heating automatically turns on, which is designed for 24 hours.
The presence of a timer allows you to start the cooking process at any time within 24 hours. Thanks to the “My recipe” option, you can independently set the temperature and time. The cost of a multicooker starts from 3.8 thousand rubles.
The multicooker Moulinex MK 707832 is popular. The power of the device is 750 watts. The model is equipped with a bowl with a ceramic coating of 5 liters. It has a raised bottom, which increases heat transfer and reduces cooking time. The device can operate in one of 15 modes. The intelligent Fuzzy Logic function is used for high-quality cooking of cereals. The unique option is “Dough”. The My Recipe mode allows you to select the temperature and time for preparing your own recipe. The cost of the device is 3.9 thousand rubles.

The Moulinex MK707832 multicooker has a power of only 750W, but is equipped with a capacious 5L bowl
A slow cooker is a useful device for any housewife, which facilitates the process of cooking. Among the wide variety of models today, you can choose an assistant that will fully satisfy all the needs and requirements of the consumer.