hallway dresser

Before buying a chest of drawers, you should evaluate whether it can fit in the available space.

Furniture with drawers is a very convenient option. You put forward – and you get free access to any subject. If closers are installed, then there is no need to close the drawers: they themselves will occupy the appropriate position. A universal type of furniture that does not take up much space and has a large internal volume is a dresser in the hallway – a repository of a mass of heterogeneous, everyday things.

The main ways to install chests of drawers in the corridor

According to the definition of explanatory dictionaries, a chest of drawers is a cabinet with several drawers, which are mainly located one above the other. Due to its compactness and good spaciousness, this type of furniture has gained great popularity, so today it can be found in the interiors of any rooms.

hallway dresser

A chest of drawers can emphasize the originality of the design or, conversely, focus on the inconsistency of styles.

According to the installation method, there are several types of chests of drawers:

  • wall-mounted. Attached to the wall, have their own support;
  • attached. They are part of a single design, have a common wall with the main type of furniture (more often this is a soft corner);
  • suspended. Attached to the wall;
  • island. They occupy a position in the central part of the room, often perform the function of zoning.

Chests of drawers with legs in the hallway, that is, having an independent support, can be stationary or mobile. Stationary options occupy a permanent position, mobile ones can be moved during use, but in this case the legs are replaced by rollers with a lock.

hallway dresser

The chest of drawers should fit the originally chosen style of the room.

Most often, wall and hanging models are placed in the hallways. Island are appropriate in cases where this room is combined with another room. A chest of drawers in the hallway, in addition to the main function of storing various items, plays an important decorative and aesthetic role, being one of the main interior items.

Materials of manufacture and dimensions of chests of drawers for the hallway

Given the significant mechanical load and aesthetic requirements, manufacturers use high-quality modern furniture materials for the manufacture of the main parts of chests of drawers:

hallway dresser

The natural wood used to make the chest of drawers is highly environmentally friendly and has a long service life.

  • wood;
  • Chipboard – chipboard, made by pressing sawdust mixed with glue;
  • MDF – plates from a fine fraction (practically from wood flour), also obtained by pressing;
  • rattan – natural (weaving from dried stems) and artificial, made of polyethylene;
  • plastic.

    hallway dresser

    The most popular are products from: chipboard, plastic, metal, natural wood

The following indicators are considered to be the standard sizes of chests of drawers:

  1. Height. The distance from the highest to the lowest point of the structure. Low chests of drawers – up to 90 cm; medium – 100-120 cm; high – 130-160 cm.
  2. Width. The distance between the extreme side points of the chest of drawers. Minimum – 60 cm; standard – 90-100 cm; wide chests of drawers – from 120 cm and more.
  3. Depth. The distance from the extreme point of the facade surface to the extreme point of the rear wall. There are shallow models, standard and deep. Shallow indicator – up to 30 cm, 40-50 cm – standard depth, 60 cm – deep boxes.

If the depth indicator exceeds 60 cm, it becomes difficult to use the chest of drawers.

Useful advice! When choosing a wide chest of drawers (120 cm and wider), it is better to prefer the option with two rows of drawers. Such designs do not lose rigidity, and it is more convenient to use boxes due to their optimal size.

hallway dresser

Veneer is considered the best option for creating an inexpensive chest of drawers.

Small chests of drawers in the hallways of different sizes

Dimensions are a very important indicator for a chest of drawers. First, they must satisfy the wishes of the owners regarding performance; secondly, harmoniously fit into the interior and match the dimensions of the room. Hallways are most often small rooms, so the issue of small chests of drawers is quite relevant.

At the same time, it should be noted that the definition of “small” in itself is rather vague and non-specific. In this article, chests of drawers that have a height of up to 90 cm and a width of up to 60 cm will be called small. The depth of chests of drawers of 30 cm in a small hallway (the width of the room is important is 120-140 cm) with minimum height and width will be quite optimal. It is necessary to arrange such a furniture structure so that the free distance in front of the closed chest of drawers is at least 80 cm.

hallway dresser

Chests of small sizes have an average depth of 30 cm

A chest of drawers (HxWxD) 85x60x30 can have 3-4 tiers of drawers, which will allow you to place a fairly large number of things in it. Moreover, it does not have to be small items: keys, umbrellas, cosmetics or shoe cleaning products. Such a box will fit unclaimed shoes in the current season, indoor slippers, oversized sports equipment, etc.

A narrower chest of drawers with a depth of 30 cm in a hallway of considerable size can be installed next to a hanger or an open wardrobe for outerwear. In this case, the oversized chest of drawers “will not be lost”, becoming part of an interesting furniture composition.

hallway dresser

Since the hallways in apartments are most often small, it is better to buy chests of drawers in them of moderate size.

Tall and narrow chest of drawers in the hallway: saving space and spaciousness

An excellent option for small rooms, for rooms with a non-standard layout are narrow tall chests of drawers. A similar form of this type of furniture can significantly affect the overall perception of the room:

  • tall narrow chests of drawers visually make the room taller;
  • oversized appearance creates a feeling of unoccupied space;
  • the design looks elegant, which gives decorativeness to the interior.

Narrow chests of drawers 20 cm deep and 130-140 cm high look especially original in the hallway. Traditionally, they have a large number of drawers (6-7 tiers), which gives the design a certain sophistication. Such a chest of drawers does not take up much space, holds a large number of items, it is easy to use, since often taken things can be placed in drawers that are at a comfortable level.

hallway dresser

Narrow chests of drawers are considered the best solutions for small hallways.

Useful advice! If you plan to store a lot of different things in a tall chest of drawers, you should purchase a model with drawers of various heights. At the same time, it will turn out to make the most efficient use of the internal space.

If the room has niches or piers, a narrow chest of drawers in the hallway 30 cm deep will help hide the flaws in the layout and make these parts of the room functional. With the right choice of color and dresser design, the space will not visually decrease at all. It is better to choose a model without significant decorative additions and with fittings of a modest design.

hallway dresser

Narrow chests of drawers do not have good capacity, so often large items have to be stored in another room.

The depth and height of the chest of drawers in the hallway: the optimal ratio

If it is not planned to store rather large and infrequently or seasonally used things, then even in spacious hallways many people try to install oversized furniture in order to provide maximum space. Most often, such rooms do not have natural light, so clutter negatively affects the overall perception – a pressure effect is created. Small chests of drawers in the hallway look neat and contribute to the effective organization of space.

If you need a lot of space to place things, and the room is not large enough, then it is better to increase the volume of the chest of drawers due to the height. To give the furniture product elegance, it is worth reducing the depth. Such chests of drawers interestingly complement the interiors of both classical style and modern design trends.

Combination of practicality, functionality and interior design. Making a pouffe with your own hands: materials and technology.

If the chest of drawers is higher than 130 cm, it is worth considering how to install it. This is especially important if there are children in the family who will also use its content. The design may be unstable for several reasons:

  • made of lightweight material;
  • the difficult extension of the drawers contributes to the inclination of the chest of drawers;
  • floor unevenness.

If at least one of the reasons is present, the structure should be fixed.

hallway dresser

The depth of the chest of drawers is chosen with great care, as often large structures do not fit into a small room.

Options for narrow chests of drawers in the hallway with a depth of 20 cm are widely represented in the catalogs of online stores. There are models with a height of 60, 90, 100, 120 cm. The highest products (140-160 cm) are more often made to order.

When installing a high and shallow chest of drawers, it is also important to take into account the presence of a plinth. In no case should it be an obstacle that does not allow furniture to be pushed tightly against the wall. This will violate the aesthetic requirements, will contribute to the appearance of problems during use (small objects placed on the upper surface can fall into the resulting space) and create a traumatic situation (probability of falling).

A chest of drawers with a mirror in the hallway: types of designs, a place in the interior

A mirror is a mandatory attribute of the hallway. It is impossible to put on a hat, tie a scarf, fix your hair before going out and evaluate makeup without a mirror. It performs two main functions:

  • practical – visualizes reflection;
  • aesthetic – decorates the room.

The second definition can be expanded: a mirror surface contributes to an increase in space; the frame is a decorative element; the original form can become a highlight of the interior.

hallway dresser

Dresser with a mirror can have different shapes and sizes

The photo of chests of drawers with a mirror in the hallway shows a wide variety of models. These are monolithic structures, where the mirror part is the upper continuation of the furniture, and separate elements. The latter are often decorated in the same style, which enhances the decorative effect and decorates the interior. There are options where the mirror does not have a frame, but its shape as a whole gives originality to the composition.

The mirror can be located both above the chest of drawers and in its side part. The side mirror, as a rule, is hung next to a narrow and high chest of drawers; it is large in size, allowing you to see the reflection in full growth. Such compositions are usually preferred in situations where the house does not have wardrobes with a mirror facade.

In the presence of a mirror, it is better to choose chests of drawers 35 cm deep in the hallway. This size will make the upper surface convenient for placing various toilet items.

Useful advice! If a non-monolithic structure is installed in the hallway, then it is better to leave a distance of at least 20–25 cm between the chest of drawers and the mirror. Objects placed on the chest of drawers additionally reflected in the mirror create a feeling of clutter.

Rational use of space: corner chest of drawers in the hallway

Quite often you can hear the opinion that for a small room it is worth buying corner furniture. In fact, everything is not so clear. Occupied corners visually reduce space. Therefore, the installation of this type of furniture should be approached deliberately.

It is worth placing a chest of drawers in the corner if the area is unclaimed. But the dimensions should be chosen carefully. With an area of 3×3 m², the depth of the structure should not exceed 30 cm, otherwise the product will seem rough and bulky, regardless of its color and design features.

hallway dresser

Corner chest of drawers is located in the corner, so it does not take up much space

With a depth of 40-50 cm and a total width of 100 cm, the product will look more like not a chest of drawers, but a corner cabinet in the hallway. It will be a convenient design for placing overall things – the capacity of the boxes is significant. Quite often, the sides of such furniture are equipped with open shelves. This visually facilitates the design and creates additional opportunities for convenient storage of various items.

Designers have developed a large number of models of corner chests of drawers. Some products in the corner part have a niche that closes with a door, while the boxes are located on the sides.

A mirror above such a chest of drawers can only be placed on one side, but more often it is not hung at all. Corner chests of drawers are made low, 100-110 cm is the limit. The upper surface is used to place decorative elements of the interior: vases, lamps, indoor flowers, etc.

hallway dresser

In the corner chest of drawers you can store not only small things, but even clothes, umbrellas or shoes

Cabinet-chest in the hallway: roomy and oversized design

If the space in the hallway allows you to place a deep, but not wide structure, you should purchase a cabinet. It is distinguished from a chest of drawers by its dimensions and the absence of drawers. The photo of the cabinets in the hallway posted on the Internet shows rectangular and square shapes, models with a semicircular top surface and a rectangular main part. Particular attention is drawn to cabinets with a volumetric semicircular door. Such products can become a significant element of the interior.

The most common version of chest of drawers for the hallway is a model with an upper drawer and a lower part that closes with a door. Small items can be stored in a drawer, larger items in a niche, which, in turn, is divided by horizontal shelves.

Rattan cabinets can be a great addition to the interior. These are usually oversized, but roomy models with one or two drawers.

The curbstone always has a sufficiently large upper surface, the level of which allows you to conveniently place various things on it. It can be both interior items and handbags, handbags and other accessories for which, upon returning home, you need to find a place without making any effort. That is why the bedside table for the hallway is a convenient type of furniture.

Useful advice! When choosing a bedside table in the hallway, it is better to pay attention to the options with drawers. In them, various small items are more reliably stored.

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On the top surface of the cabinet you can place all the necessary items

The secrets of choosing the right shoe cabinet in the hallway

Shoe storage is a tricky business. It is necessary, for example, to store boots and shoes together, that is, pairs of different heights. Do not make two shoe designs for this ?! The issue of ventilation is also important. Even if the weather is hot outside, skin secretions moisturize the inside of the shoe.

Shoe chest of drawers is a hybrid design. She has a purely external resemblance to a chest of drawers – similar dimensions and division into tiers. The internal content of dressers for shoes in the hallway is a frame shelves that open by folding open the doors. In the upper zone of such dressers there may be a drawer in which it is convenient to store shoe care products.

Furniture structures for shoes must have free zones for air penetration. If the doors of the front part tightly close the chest of drawers, then the opposite wall should be absent in it (in whole or in part).

hallway dresser

The internal content of chests of drawers for shoes in the hallway are frame shelves

Shoe chests of drawers need to be washed quite often, so you should choose options from a material that is not affected by moisture and detergents (in any case, non-aggressive ones).

The photos of chests of drawers for shoes in the hallway offered on the Internet will help you choose the right model. If you intend to store a significant amount of shoes, it is better to pay attention to options with a multi-level arrangement of shelves – then you do not have to put the boots.

Ease of construction and comfortable use: hanging pedestal in the hallway

Quite an interesting interior solution can be a hinged nightstand. From the point of view of operational features, the same requirements are imposed on it as on the floor:

  • capacity;
  • optimal dimensions;
  • trouble-free functioning of all systems and mechanisms;
  • external aesthetics.

Hanging bedside tables, like floor ones, can have different shapes and sizes. If you need to organize a large amount of storage space, these bedside tables are combined with chests of drawers. Furniture products made in the same style create interesting compositions.

Hanging bedside tables in the corridor have several advantages:

  • the absence of a low-lying part makes it comfortable to use;
  • the design seems light even with serious dimensions;
  • the free zone formed between the bottom surface of the cabinet and the floor allows you to store everyday items there: shoes, slippers, etc.
hallway dresser

Not everyone can afford hanging chests of drawers – it all depends on the materials used in the arrangement of the walls

Hanging bedside tables, like floor ones, are often made of wood or wood-based panels. The structures are quite heavy and require hardy fasteners. Most often, problems arise precisely with the part of the fastener attached to the furniture.

Useful advice! It is worth choosing a mount for hanging the nightstand, which will be completely invisible. Even slightly protruding (above the top or side surfaces) parts of the hinges or bolts reduce the aesthetics of the structure as a whole.

Creative and bold solution: white chest of drawers in the hallway

Attitude towards white furniture can be different. For many, this is sophistication, charm, splendor, a sign of sophistication of taste. There are those who consider white furniture defiant, impractical. Is there a white color in the hallway? The peculiarity of the room is that they take off their outer clothing and shoes, which (no matter how carefully we walk) have traces of dust and dirt.

hallway dresser

White chests of drawers are more versatile and can fit into a wide variety of interiors.

White furniture makes the interior expressive. Why can’t he be like this in the hallway?! In addition, dust and dirt are visible on any surface, even on a black one, and if it is also on a glossy one, even a small amount is noticeable. So from a practical point of view, white is not a problem.

A white chest of drawers in the hallway is a classic that will surprise and fascinate even in such a room that is not conducive to the manifestation of aesthetic feelings, like a corridor.

The white chest of drawers will beautifully complement the interior of a small room; next to it, objects will become more expressive.

For this type of furniture, fittings are important, which will either enhance the decorative effect or reduce the aesthetics of the look. White chests of drawers can be mounted on legs and hung. There are no restrictions on the shape and size of white products.

Modern dressers in the hallway, photos of various models

In the photo catalogs of online furniture stores, chests of drawers are divided according to design and construction features into products for the bedroom, nursery, hallway, etc. There is no clear boundary, but a certain specificity of furniture appears.

Chests of drawers for the hallway (photos on the Internet are presented in sufficient quantities) are distinguished by concise design, correct lines, muted shades. More often models are made of wood boards. Functionality as an accent is seen by many manufacturers. The addition of structures with niches, open shelves enhances performance. There are a lot of chests of drawers made of wood with carved legs and other decorative elements among the exhibition models.

The dresser for the hallway and the features of the fittings differ. These can be overhead handles of considerable size for a comfortable grip, often with a rough surface that prevents slipping. There are options where the handles are replaced by cutouts on the front of the drawers.

hallway dresser

Modern dressers in the hallway have an unusual and original design

Among the hanging chests of drawers in the hallway, structures made of two types of material are of particular interest, differing not only in color shades, but also in thickness. A more massive and dark box closes the facade of light and thin wood boards.

Useful advice! If you couldn’t find the desired option in the “Hallway Chests” section, you can view the models offered for the kitchen or bedroom. Among them, you can also find a suitable design.

IKEA chest of drawers for the hallway: a variety of models, prices

IKEA chests of drawers are a variety of styles, designs, sizes. After reviewing the catalogs of this online store, it is almost impossible to be left without a purchase. These are chests of drawers made of solid wood of considerable dimensions on high legs – solid and roomy designs that will not allow a single thing in the hallway to remain without a storage place. You can choose a tall and narrow chest of drawers with a lot of deep drawers, which will solve all the problems of placing things in a small hallway. It can be options for light and dark shades.

hallway dresser

IKEA chests of drawers are made of solid wood and, most often, have significant dimensions.

Among the IKEA models there is a large selection of white chests of drawers. These are classic design forms, chests of drawers with side shelves and glass showcase inserts, models with an asymmetric and multi-level arrangement of drawers.

IKEA chests of drawers with a mirror are original. These are white compositions with a wide frame framing the mirror; products in which the frame of the chest of drawers and the design of the mirror are made of natural wood, and the drawers are woven from rattan.

Among the chests of drawers of this brand, you can find products that correspond to a very different price level. For example, a Malm chest of drawers 80 cm high and 78 cm wide, made of wood board covered with bleached oak veneer, can be purchased for 4999 rubles. The white Chemnes chest of drawers with dimensions (WxDxH) 160x50x96 cm, equipped with 8 drawers, costs 17,999 rubles. Anthracite Nordley model with 12 drawers, which is characterized by dimensions (WxDxH) 140x47x140 cm, has a cost of 39499 rubles.

Chest of drawers in the hallway: tips for interior design

Buying an original chest of drawers does not mean creating an interesting interior. Any furniture should be placed and framed in such a way that its dignity is emphasized, and not lost:

  1. Choosing a chest of drawers for the hallway should be in accordance with the general style of the interior of the house or apartment.
  2. If the design is a rare thing, the entire design of the room should be subordinated to this feature. Otherwise, the furniture will turn into a museum piece.
  3. It is worth choosing a classic chest of drawers in the hallway only if the room is large.
  4. Rattan furniture should be used for decorating eco- and ethno-styles. In a different setting, such a chest of drawers looks like a loner.
  5. If the chest of drawers in the hallway occupies a central position, it must be supplemented with decorative elements: a vase with flowers, a picture, a mirror, etc.

    hallway dresser

    The right choice of chest of drawers allows you to effectively solve the problem of storing numerous items and accessories.

Useful advice! A chest of drawers of bright color should be decorated with expressive elements.

A chest of drawers is a compact and functional type of furniture. Correctly chosen in terms of performance and design, the model will perfectly complement the interior and make life comfortable, providing a convenient storage place for many necessary things and everyday items.