Christmas Decor Trends 2023New Year holidays are always associated with celebration and miracle. They are able to give a wonderful mood, at least due to the smell of pine needles, tangerines and the bright glow of lights, as if from a fairy tale. While preparing for the holiday, you need to think over not only the menu and outfits, but also home decor, which allows you to create an atmosphere of magic and comfort, which many have been dreaming of since the very beginning of winter.

Many people think that decorating a home for the new year involves a huge investment of time and money, but this is far from the case. Even if the budget is limited, you can use improvised materials and a little imagination, in which case for just a few hundred rubles you will create a real fairy tale in your house or apartment and be able to enjoy it throughout the New Year holidays with family and friends.

This material will consider not only expensive designer decor options, but also the simplest budget solutions available to every person. You can make decorations yourself and even involve your children in the process, as well as buy ready-made decorations. It all depends on the availability of specific opportunities and your personal desire.

How to decorate your home for Christmas on a budgetChristmas Decor Trends 2023

If you want simple, but at the same time original solutions, you should consider budget decor options. You can find improvised items in the forest or the nearest park, because they are nothing but pine cones. Show a little imagination and add a little sparkle, as an ordinary part of the tree turns into something interesting.

You can start with simple Christmas decorations. A bump looks very nice, to which a ribbon tied in a bow is glued. Simple, practical and looks very stylish! For a bow, you can use a regular braid or a festive ribbon made of textiles or paper. It is best to choose silver and gold tones so that they create a festive mood. You just need to glue the ribbon to the cone and tie it into a knot, and then form a bow. To give the finished product even more shine, you can paint the surface of the cone with glitter nail polish, and attach beads to the ends of the ribbon.

Such a toy can not only be hung on a Christmas tree, but also fastened to a lamp or chandelier, put on any panel or picture, if the design allows, simply attach to a door or wall. It will look festive, and if the house has all the necessary devices for manufacturing, the costs will be 0 rubles, which cannot but rejoice.

Here is another idea for an original Christmas tree toy. The body of the bird is made of a cone, and the head is made of any material in the form of a ball, commensurate with the base. For wings, you can use tree bark or paper, eyes can be ordinary beads and even buttons. The result is a stylish and budget figure, made with taste.

You can create any toys even without an idea, just improvise. To do this, you can use various improvised items that are available in almost every home. These include cones, balls of thread, cardboard and ordinary balls, textiles, sparkles. Suitable ribbons and bows, burlap. You can even make not only toys based on cones, but also soft products with filler inside.

The next item in the preparation of New Year’s decor 2023 is related to decorating the walls. It is not necessary to come up with something out of the ordinary to create a special atmosphere, just show a little imagination and outline the general idea. If you do not want to put up a classic spruce, you can build a wall structure from… ordinary branches that can be found in a forest or park.

You just need to prepare branches of identical diameter and different lengths, and then attach them to the wall so that they fold into a herringbone. That is, the longest parts are located at the bottom, and the shortest at the top. On the top of the head, you can attach a star made of wood or bought ready-made. It’s great if you already have something similar at home.

For decoration, you can also use a luminous garland or do-it-yourself cone toys, described earlier. Under such an impromptu Christmas tree, you can put Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden and put gifts. All this will look as realistic as possible.

The next step is decorating windows and doors. It is not necessary to chase fashion, you can give preference to the classics and decorate the windows with ordinary paper snowflakes, and add lights to them in the evening. If you like to paint with watercolors, you can paint glass or plastic to make the picture brighter and more festive.

A Christmas tree made of shelves looks stylish, on which you can put New Year’s attributes in the form of candles, balls, souvenirs.

You can also make a garland yourself by stringing interesting paper figures in the form of stars, snowflakes, hearts at the same distance from each other on a fishing line or a colorless thread, and then weaving an ordinary garland between them, preferably of the same color, so that there is no excess brightness.

If you have New Year’s decorations in the form of stationary toys that are placed on the floor or attached to vertical surfaces, you can place them directly on the windows, and hang homemade garlands on top. Or just attach them to the surface and lay bright lights around the perimeter.

An imitation of snow made of foam plastic, cotton wool or white paint looks stylish on the window, especially if you put balls and cones on the windowsill, and also turn on the garland. To give the room even more originality, both inside and outside, from the street, you can hang ordinary decorative pillows on clothespins, symbolizing the new year. Fairy tale atmosphere guaranteed!

You can simply hang wreaths on the door, many people already have them ready-made, but even if they are not available, you can make them yourself. As a basis, a small ready-made basket or a plexus of several soft and flexible branches is used, between which spruce branches are woven, cones, balls, beads, ribbons are attached.

It all looks really festive, especially if the color and style of the wreath matches the overall New Year’s design of the home.

Interior decoration of a house or apartment for the New YearChristmas Decor Trends 2023

This solution is ideal for owners of luxury houses and duplex apartments, where there are stairs, fireplaces, and free space allows you to organize decorations in a single design instead of a local decor. New Year’s corners are best suited, which include not only decorated spruce or pine trees, but also additional designs in the form of themed figurines, wreaths, pillows, gift boxes.

Another simple and at the same time sophisticated design option for a festive corner contains a whole container with balls, a spruce or its branches, garlands of balls and cones, logs. Such a solution can not only create a great mood, but also become a luxurious photo zone, you will see, your guests will definitely be delighted!

Here is another interesting idea for decorating a space with full color matching in the interior and decor. Red balls on the Christmas tree are ideally combined with bows and socks of the same color, and white furniture looks interesting with snow-white snowflakes on the wall.

If there are no decorations at all, or there is, but you want something more, you should consider such an option for decorating your home as a herbarium. In simple terms, this is a structure consisting of branches, plants and decorative elements that can be hung on the wall and simply placed on the table, for example, in the kitchen and even in the office, creating a special atmosphere.

Here is an interesting idea for decorating a herbarium in a pot. If you have it large, you can simply put it on the floor and not even use the Christmas tree. On branches collected in one container, for a festive mood, you can hang home-made figurines made of paper, cardboard, textiles, cones, or purchased toys.

Here is another simple but original solution that can be safely called a design one. This is a suspended structure that is mounted on the wall and immediately creates a special atmosphere in the room, you can even not use an ordinary Christmas tree and expensive New Year’s attributes. The main thing is that the main elements of the decoration match the style and color of the interior items.

Another important stage in the design of housing for the new year in the design direction is the decoration of stairs and fireplaces. As a rule, they are in richly decorated houses, so it is important to think through everything to the smallest detail.

The easiest and most effective option is to wrap tree branches around the railing, weaving lights into them, and also decorate this whole structure with Santa’s socks or balls.

Similar ideas are presented in large numbers, so they are quite appropriate for decorating a fireplace. As you can see, in this example there are mini pillows for decorative purposes and gingerbread. By the way, why not an idea – to use food in the form of sweets, pastries, fruits in decorating your home!

You can also put decorative pillows on the fireplace, even if you have to purchase them specifically for the celebration of the new year, it’s okay, they are practical and can be used strictly for their intended purpose in the future.

In no case should you forget about decorating the New Year’s table, because New Year’s paraphernalia, if we talk about design, should be present in all things, including in the eating area, be it modest family gatherings or a noisy party. Balls and tree branches are suitable for table setting, you can also put a herbarium in the center or just next to it, and decorate each plate with a decorative New Year’s napkin.

New Year’s figures made of wood, bought ready-made, and even better made with their own hands, will look stylish. They are perfectly combined with plant themes and candlesticks, in which candles burn brightly. Individual plates are interestingly decorated with birds, which are also made from improvised materials. Any symbol of the year can be used instead.

Here is another interesting idea for decorating a feast in a single color. Here, the style of the interior and decor is identical, as are the color schemes, in connection with this, the overall picture looks gentle and elegant.

Making housing for the New Year expensiveChristmas Decor Trends 2023

Along with the budget and design options for targeting a marathon in a house or apartment, there is also an expensive direction. It is logical to assume that it is suitable for the corresponding dwelling, where a luxurious interior style and expensive details in the form of finishing materials, furniture and decorations prevail.

The main feature of the expensive decoration of a house or apartment for the New Year holidays is the use of expensive materials and impressive decorative structures. The example below shows the idea of decorating an expensive interior with an ordinary Christmas tree with high-quality purchased decorations, as well as expensive silver utensils. By the way, copper can be used instead of this material.

Another option is a few Christmas trees with an abundance of good balls. Such a solution will look great in the Baroque style, where flat surfaces, luxurious paintings, natural woolen carpets and, of course, impressive squares predominate.

You can use gilding elements that can bring a touch of luxury and sophistication to any style. These can be solid figures in the form of fir trees, dishes, candlestick elements or practical products used for surface finishing in the interior.

The abundance of candles in an expensive interior is also designed to emphasize the beauty of the surrounding space. Moreover, they can be placed not only in candlesticks on the table, but also inserted into lamps.

A lot of fire and light in the yard is another sign of New Year’s decor, which is distinguished by its high cost and elegance. You can use a huge number of garlands of different colors and sizes, and as soon as dusk comes, turn them on to enjoy the flow of light and at the same time please neighbors and passers-by.

Thus, there are plenty of options for decorating housing for the New Year holidays, from budget improvised solutions to expensive ideas.